Make note of the port number (1234 by default, I think). In the sheet that comes down, make sure that the 'Play locally' checkbox is unchecked, select the Stream radio button, and choose MMSH from the pop-up list.Click the checkbox that says 'Advanced output' and press the Settings button.Press the Play button, click Browse, and select the troublesome video file.Open up VLC and make sure there's nothing in the playlist.WMV file and play it in Windows Media Player (WMP) failed miserably, because WMP requires the files to be perfectly formatted. Attempts to extract the video directly into a. Using VLC, I right-clicked on the filename in the playlist, chose Properties from the pop-up menu, and discovered that the video was actually a WMV9 (FourCC code 'WMV3') file. I'm used to being able to play almost any video on my mac with either VLC or mplayer, so when I came across an AVI file that refused to play in any player I became rather frustrated.